Image Source: Unsplash

Digital marketing is much more than just a way to boost your visibility and attract new clients. It’s an essential part of who you are as a company and how you connect with customers in the digital era. With so many businesses relying on websites, social media, and search engines to drive traffic, it’s hard to imagine a time when marketing was restricted to word-of-mouth and local ads. The importance of creating a compelling presence online can’t be overstated. As the world moves away from traditional advertising and toward online platforms, your potential customers are also changing where they go for information about products and services. The graphic design elements that make up your website or other digital marketing assets are as important as the words you use to communicate them. An unappealing visual experience reflects badly on your brand and drives potential customers away before they have a chance to discover what you have to offer.


Make a Good Impression from the Start

If you’re redesigning a website or creating brand-new assets from scratch, it’s important to create a good first impression. Your graphic design should reflect your brand and reflect your customers — it should also be easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye. Before you start designing, make sure you have a solid understanding of who your customers are and what they need from you. A great way to do this is by reading reviews left by previous customers and asking for feedback on your social media pages. This will help you get a better idea of how you can improve your current design and what customers want to see from you.


Ensure Consistency Throughout Digital Platforms

Once you’ve created an image for your brand and a visual design that reflects your customer base, it’s important to maintain that consistency across all your digital platforms. This will help customers recognize your brand as they move from one site to another and help them navigate to the information they need. Keep your logo, color scheme, and font consistent across all digital channels. This will help your customers navigate the different platforms you use and will also help create brand loyalty and recognition.


Choose Visual Elements Carefully

Depending on the type of business you’re in and the products and services you offer, visual elements such as images, charts, graphs, and charts can be incredibly useful in conveying information. When choosing visual elements, think about what your customers need to know and how you can best communicate that using visuals. For example, if you run a health and fitness business, pictures of fit and energetic people may be more appropriate than pictures of people in lab coats, even if the latter provides a more accurate representation of your services.


Show, Don’t Just Tell

Whether you’re designing a social media ad or creating a banner ad for Google, always show, don’t just tell. Someone who is scrolling past your ad or looking at your post on social media has a very short amount of time to decide whether they want to click through and learn more about your services. Make it as easy as possible for them to do that by showing them exactly what you want them to know. Don’t waste time telling customers about your company or products in long, drawn-out paragraphs. Instead, show them pictures of your products and simplified explanations of what you do. Never use words alone when you can show customers exactly what you mean with visuals.


Use Humor Carefully

Humor is an incredibly useful tool for engaging your audience, but using it has to be done carefully by every business. Humor is very subjective, and what one person finds hilarious, another person may find offensive or inappropriate. Most people enjoy a little humor now and then, but if you’re not sure if your brand identity and customer base would appreciate it, you’re better off not using it. Again, it’s important to remember that the people you want to engage with your marketing are likely online a lot, so make an effort to use humor that works in the digital space. Never use inappropriate humor, and remember that it’s important to appeal to a wide array of people.


Find the Right Mix of Text and Graphics

When designing your website or creating ads, you have a choice between adding more graphics or more text. There’s no right or wrong answer here. It’s all about finding the right mix that resonates with your customers, engages them, and gets them to take the next step. When designing your website, you need to consider the user experience. For example, a customer who is shopping for your products may have questions about what they’re seeing. If you have several images, they may have to click through and read a lot of text to find the answers. Adding some text to the image and placing it in a prominent place will help answer questions quickly and easily.


Plan Your Graphic Design in Advance

Creating a stunning visual design is a great way to catch your customer’s attention and draw them in, but it also takes a lot of time and effort. To make sure you have enough time to create a strong visual design for all your marketing assets, start planning your design in advance, especially if you’re creating a new website or have a lot of existing content that needs to be redesigned. If you’ve got a large and complex project, consider breaking it down into smaller chunks and scheduling it out so that you don’t get overwhelmed and nothing falls through the cracks. Never rush your design or skimp on quality, but if you plan ahead, you will have enough time to create the design you need to help your brand stand out online.


Create a Solid Foundation for Ads

When you’re designing ads, your attention should be focused on creating a strong visual presence that customers will remember. Every ad you create should be able to stand on its own and convey your message in a few seconds or less. Remember that ads are not only featured on social media sites. They’re also used in Google search results, which means that your ad needs to be compelling enough to get the click, even when it’s surrounded by ads for other businesses.



The digital world is constantly evolving, and so is the way we consume information. With more and more people switching to digital platforms to find new products and services, it’s even more important to create a strong visual presence online. Your graphic design is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy, and it can be the difference between attracting new customers or losing them to a competitor who is better able to engage and present their brand.